Vladislav Korsak

Headboard Member, Consultant

``The Best knowledge and experience of the 21st century allows well trained team of GGRC to plan and manage your pregnancy well, even in the conditions of Covid-19. Georgian-German Reproductive Center is a best place for those who are preparing for motherhood and for those who are expecting a pregnancy. GGRC – strongly recommended!``

Specialty Gynecology & Obstetrics
Degrees MD. PhD, Professor
Professional Interests
  • Gynecology & Obstetrics
  • Male and female infertility treatment
  • IVF


President of ICRM
Senior Obstetrician and Gynecologist Professor of Medicine
President of Russian Association of Human Reproduction (RAHR)
ESHREEIM Community Council member
Russian Editorial Board of Human Reproduction

Vladislav Korsak is currently the president of the expert team of ICRM Russia’s IVF Baby Hospital. He is often the chief surgeon for all kinds of obstetrics and gynecology operations, including endoscopic surgery. He is also the first operator of IVF in Russia. Over the years, a great deal of experience has been accumulated. He devoted himself to various subjects in the field of research and in 1976 he obtained a doctorate in medical science from the “peritoneal decompression therapy for advanced pregnancy toxemia”.

In 1999, he obtained a Ph.D. in Infertility Treatment for Assisted Reproductive Technology. President Vladislav Korsak applied the research results and experience to the clinical practice to help infertility achieve the inheritance of life. He published more than 190 articles, guides, manuals and books, of which 30 were published abroad.


1969-1972 Intern at the Obstetrics and Gynecology Hospital of Norilsk;
1972–2006 Postgraduate, Assistant Professor, Associate Professor, Professor, Pavlov Medical University, St. Petersburg State Medical University.


1985–1988 Gynecologist Consultant, Addis Ababa University Hospital, Ethiopia;
From 1993, working for ICRM.

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