Marina Goglidze


``A family is happy, if there are children, every family should experience this joy and happiness, our goal is to give new life and perfection to every family.``

Specialty  Reproductology, Gynecology
Degrees MD
Professional Interests
  • Gynecology & Obstetrics
  • Infertility
  • Reproductive Health


Obstetrician-gynecologist with more than four decades of experience and successful medical practice, with academic education in Russia and Georgia, has worked and studied to improve her skills at universities and clinics in Prague and Moscow. Reproductologist, gynecologist, colposcopist, has been serving women’s health and family perfection for 43 years. Participates in international conferences and workshops, is a member of the Georgian Reproductive Health Association and an honorary member of the Georgian Colposcopy Federation.


1968 – 1974  Sechinov Medical Institute in Moscow
1974 Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, University of Prague (Medical Practice)
1976 Postgraduate education course in obstetrics and gynecology
1999 Course in Colposcopy and Laser Surgery, Moscow Sachinov Medical Academy
2000 Short course of colposcopy, Tbilisi National Oncology Center
2006 State Certificate of Reproductology-Gynecology
2015 Course in Cervical Pathology Management and Colposcopy


1975  Academic Secretary of Tbilisi Institute of Dermato-Venereology and Venereal Diseases
1977 – 1999  Doctor of Reproductology, Gynecologist, Department of Endocrinology-Gynecology and Infertility, Tbilisi Kakhiani Railway Hospital 1995 – 1999  Reproductologist, obstetrician-gynecologist of the 11th consultation in Tbilisi
1999  Head of the Cervical Pathology Cabinet of the Jordania Scientific Research Institute of Human Reproduction
1999  Tbilisi Institute of Postgraduate Education, Assistant Professor, Department of Reproductology
2017 – 2020 Reproductive Medicine Center “Reproductologist of the Department of Cervical Pathology” Universe “, Colposcopist
2021 – Present Georgian-German Reproductive Center GGRC Doctor Reproductologist, Gynecologist, Colposcopist



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