Where Life Begins…
In an IVF clinic, this place is called the embryology laboratory. It is truly a magical world, and the embryologist is like a kind wizard—the first to witness and participate in the beginning of life.
If you need the help of assisted reproductive technologies, this is where your embryo’s journey begins.
Patients often ask us to make everything as “natural” as possible with their embryos. But if natural conception were possible in such cases, you wouldn’t be here. Infertility has many causes, and when medical intervention is necessary, you entrust us with your future. In the laboratory’s virtual world, we carefully choose the right methods—whether ICSI, IVF, PICSI, TESE, PRP, stem cell therapy, or others—doing everything possible to give you the best chance at success.
Imagine where your children are before they are born—sometimes just one embryo, sometimes 25 or more. Today, these technologies are in human hands. Tomorrow, embryology may be driven by robotics. Artificial intelligence could replace some of the skills, experience, and delicate techniques of embryologists. This field evolves like a living organism. Advances in automation, freezing and thawing methods, biopsies, and genetic research continue to refine our work.
Not long ago, we performed FISH analysis on embryos at day three for genetic testing. Today, we can decode all 23 chromosomes, detect genetic diseases, and determine the sex in cases of sex-linked disorders.
Experience teaches us to trust assisted reproductive technologies and, just as importantly, to trust ourselves—the specialists who handle the delicate beginnings of life. Every impulse, every movement, every new life is a victory for us. With these tiny cells, we help create your future—a responsibility we deeply understand and share with you. And together, we will celebrate the moment your journey to parenthood begins.
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