We give the hearts…
Another heart on the hand!
Do you know what amazes me? My own intuition… When a patient comes to me after a screening, where she hears the heartbeat for the first time, I give her a heart as a pregnancy talisman. After giving birth, my patients place this heart on the palm of their newborn and send me a photo. I feel a wonderful emotion and great love from you in every such photo! That the color of the heart corresponds to the sex of the child and my intuition always proves right. How does this happen? I don’t understand….
Today I received this special heart-warming photo, from a very difficult patient, 37 years old, primary infertility, disappointed hopes…. She had never had her own cycle in her life, the chances were very small. After proper examination and treatment, we got pregnant with our own egg on the first try! Childbirth, healthy boy, healthy mother! Another heart-warming photo in my archive.
A job done with the heart lifts hearts <3
With love, Nato Shamugia, Obstetrician-Gynecologist, Reproductive Medicine Specialist
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