The Stigma of Infertility – Why Me? Tamar Nadirashvili’s blog

When you were planning a family, you probably did not think that you would have a problem with infertility. At first you tried to get pregnant spontaneously. After a few months of failure, you become more attentive to the timing of your “romantic dates”. Than you change your lifestyle, start measuring your basal body temperature and got ovulation tests.
Against the background of increased emotions, you take special care of children, you want to hug all children, the instinct of care is increased like never before … you want a baby, so much that you agree with everything. You look forward to all the subsequent processes of pregnancy, even the most unpleasant. But, why does it happen that what seems very simple and natural to others requires a lot of resources, energy and even nervousness from you? In a close circle, the birth rate among friends increases. You are invited to a birthday party for others kids… You love these people and sincerely rejoice in their happiness, but sometimes it all bothers you and makes you think “maybe it’s better to stay home?” . Emotions are the most difficult to manage at this time, you have a feeling of injustice, and this is the most severe side effect. Stuck in the negative, you may think that you are losing your sanity and you are going crazy.
First of all, calm down! What you are experiencing is completely normal. You are in the phase when the brain is ready for the baby, for the pregnancy, and the body does not agree to cooperate. Naturally, this situation brings you anxiety and stressful thoughts.
  • Talk to spouse  openly and sincerely. Many women feel guilty at such times as if their body has been torn and it is difficult to talk about it. Forget it! Do not allow these thoughts to lead you. Talk to your spouse about it. Are you one team? The team always works hard to win. Do not stress this, consider it all in a pleasant environment. This will bring you closer and will lead you to the desired result much sooner.
  • The Role of Friends – If you feel comfortable talking to friends and family about this, do it. Talking about the problem and expressing your own fears and feelings can bring you great relief and peace of mind.
  • Then try to listen to other people’s opinions. If talking to friends and family is not comfortable for you, try listening to the experiences of women with similar problems, sharing your own. Things like this can be done most easily online, there are many forums and groups where women encourage each other, share their past path. Such an environment will give you more motivation and hope.
  • Do some sports. To be sane, you will need a portion of endorphins – the “happiness hormone”. But do not overdo it, moderate physical activity is important not only for your body but also for your mind.
  • Visit with a professional. While your emotions are completely understandable, if they interfere with your daily life and negatively affect your relationship, consult a psychologist, speak openly and sincerely.
  • Here, let’s also listen to the reproductive doctor:

Consider the potential causes of infertility. Some of them are related to lifestyle, some are biological in nature; Some are common to both sexes, while others are specific to a particular gender. Recall that the diagnosis of infertility is made: if you are under 35 and can not get pregnant during one year of regular sexual activity. If you are over 35 years old, six months after sexual activity. Lifestyle has a significant impact on fertility. Try to change your usual routines and you can see the result at this stage. Let’s find out what negatively affects fertility: Tobacco and alcohol consumption negatively affect the ability of a woman and a man to conceive. The combined action of the two is even more dangerous. Deficiency or excess weight affects a woman’s fertility Prolonged exposure to hot baths leads to a decrease in sperm quality Lubricants – for example Vaseline or vaginal cream may affect sperm quality Large amounts of caffeine (more than 200 mg per day, about 7 cups) may increase the risk of miscarriage. Some drinks may contain 560 mg of caffeine per cup! Exposure to toxic substances such as pesticides, radioactive substances, X-rays. Electromagnetic radiation may disrupt spermatogenesis. Some medicines for the treatment of cardiovascular diseases also have a negative effect on male fertility We should also mention the high blood pressure that can lead to infertility.

Causes of infertility in women:

  • About 25% of women experience ovulation problems. In most cases this problem arises due to hormonal imbalance (for example, when certain hormones are deficient or when the hormone is not produced at the required time). This can be caused by thyroid dysfunction (hypothalamus, pituitary disorders), stress, excessive exercise, sudden weight gain or loss.
  • Organic disorders: Fallopian tube obstruction – making it impossible for a sperm to attach to an egg or the process of embryo implantation. There are many reasons for the development of this pathology, including past infections or sexually transmitted diseases
  • Cervical factor – Insufficient secretion of cervical mucus or its complete absence (infections, conization of the cervix) prevents the penetration of sperm into the uterus Endometriosis – This is a pathology in which endometrial cells are found outside the uterus (in the ovaries, abdomen and other organs). Found in about 35% of women in the absence of other diagnostic causes of infertility
  • Polycystic ovary syndrome – often one of the leading causes of anovulation

Causes of infertility in men:

  • Recurrent / complicated respiratory infections Sexually Transmitted Infections Dilation of the veins of the testicles, so called.
  • Varicocele (dilation of the testicular veins, causes growth retardation and pain, pain and discomfort in the testicles. It is quite common, although it does not always lead to infertility)
  • Hormonal imbalance Incomplete sperm – a small number or absence of live and motile sperm
  • Erectile dysfunction – a condition when a man is unable to have sexual intercourse, lack of erection Cryptorchidism – Incomplete testicles, inhibition of testicular arrival in the park Family and medical history.
  • Infertility can lead to some inherited diseases as well as some previously transmitted Orchitis (after puberty) – Inflammation of the testicles. It usually develops as a complication of any infectious-inflammatory disease. Inflammation is caused by influenza, parainfluenza, epidemic mumps (mumps), conjunctivitis, pneumonia (inflammation of the lungs), brucellosis, typhoid fever. Noteworthy is the fact that epidemic mumps (same as mumps) is complicated by orchitis in 30 cases out of ace.
  • History of surgical intervention on the genitals Cystic fibrosis, the same as mucoviscidosis, is quite common compared to other genetic diseases. The area of ​​action of cystic fibrosis is almost the whole organism, but most of the respiratory tract and digestive tract are affected. It can cause infertility in both women and men.

Finally, remember that two people are responsible for pregnancy – a woman and a man. In the process, so much time is devoted to the issue of a woman’s reproductive health that sometimes it makes sense as if the man has nothing to do with it. In fact, infertility is found equally in women and men. The female and male factors play the biggest role in infertility, the rest are simply combined or unknown causes.

I wish you health, mutual understanding and fertility <3

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