2nd International Conference “Infertility 35+”
“Second International Scientific-Practical Conference” held on June 12-13 under the auspices of the GGRC of the Georgian-German Reproductive Medicine Center and with the support of the Georgian Association of Urologists, Obstetricians, Gynecologists and Reproductologists.
Georgian-German Reproductive Center GGRC is hosting a high-level international scientific conference for the second year in a row, which is already traditional for Georgian and foreign representatives of the field.
Due to the restrictions of the Covid-regulations, it is permitted to gather up to 70 guests in the hall, prominent representatives of reproduction from Russia, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Lithuania, Turkey visited Georgia and presented important massages to the audience. Industry leaders from Germany, Israel, USA share their experiences with conference participants through online ZOOM portal.
The Georgian-German Reproductive Center would like to thank the speakers at the Second International Conference “Infertility 35+” for participating in the conference and for the best presentations, significant contribution to the development of Georgian reproductive medicine.
The second day of the conference was dedicated to the workshop of Turkish embryologists for pre-registered participants, our Georgian colleagues from different clinics took part in the practical work of embryo biopsy.
The clinical director of the Georgian-German Reproductive Center and the founder of the “For You” Foundation presented a new medical journal “Medical Time”, which will be published twice a year and publishes research and articles free of charge for medical professionals interested in scientific activities.
At the final stage of the conference, a working session of the heads of reproductive associations of Georgia and neighboring countries was held to share the experience of the region and discuss regulations in a round table format.
Giorgi Archvadze, General Director of the Georgian-German Reproductive Center, made a report on the advantages of Georgian reproductive medicine and legislation in the region and why Georgia is interesting in terms of medical tourism.
Certificates were awarded to the participants, we heard many words of thanks and praise from the invited guests, speakers and the attending public, we are glad that we were able to treat our esteemed guests with dignity and Thanks to all the companies who trusted us and stood by us . We will continue the Georgian cause, popularize Georgia in terms of medical tourism and take care of the development of Georgian colleagues and the Georgian reproductive field.
More information about the conference you can find here https://www.facebook.com/ivfconferenceggrc
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