Dreams come true here! – New Year surprise for childless couples from GGRC
Dreams come true here! – With this slogan the pre-New Year surprise of the Georgian-German Reproductive Center for childless couples was announced in the program “Our Family” on the Imedi channel. Nino Museridze, the clinical director of the center and the founder of the “For You” foundation, asked couples whose main New Year dream is a child to send a letter not to Santa, but the GGRC, that would fully fund in vitro fertilization for one couple on New Year.
Up to 500 letters were received on the clinic page in one week, they all have the same dream, with different family histories and years of waiting, it was difficult to choose between them. A group of twenty staff members of the clinic were reading the letters, everyone had their favorite letter and history, we could not single out one and we were left with a blind choice. We selected couples who, without surrogacy-donation, actually had a chance to become parents and placed their letters in box, after the host of “Our Family” blindly took one letter:
“Welcome with great love and great hope, thank God that there is even a clinic in Georgia that gives a childless couple a chance to become parents. And my story with 13 years of infertility is expecting a miracle every day, there was a lot of struggle for the result but … I did everything but never IVF, but I believe that I will become a mother, we work in public service and our total monthly income is 1800 GEL, it does not fulfill our dreams. Although motherhood is such that I beg the Lord to make this dream come true, I am writing now and forgive me for the emotions, however I can not imagine this issue without this feeling, I believe, I believe, I believe I will become a mother, just because I believe the Lord will not sacrifice us and because you exist for us. Thank you to the team of hope for making such offers public to couples, I look forward to surprises, however I want all childless couples not to despair Lord, I love you and I love you all, I want happy and joyful families, thank you”
Natia will be 100% funded by GGRV in vitro fertilization, including another couple, a teacher from the highlands, who will also be fully funded by Nino Museridze herself. And for all others those who send as a letter will have 50% discount on in vitro fertilization from the Georgian-German Reproductive Center.
Congratulations to everyone and we wish you the fulfillment of your main dream – the birth of a new life, we stand by your side, with new surprises and in 2022 with the main slogan: “Together for the beginning of new life!”
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